Sérénité Restaurant and Culinary Institute is a social enterprise whose profits are used to fund the tuition and recovery programs for this unique job training program. Proceeds from the restaurant provide approximately 60% of the revenue to support the recovery programming.

The Sérénité Restaurant and Culinary Institute is at the core of the Recovery Center program and offers a distinctive and innovative approach to addiction recovery which encompasses a six-month training program, teaching techniques of classic French cuisine and high quality restaurant service. The program can accommodate up to 16 students at one time who rotate through a curriculum that includes classes on all aspects of the culinary and hospitality industry, kitchen and culinary skills and front of house training. Students receive an income during training, and job placement assistance.

Approximately, three times a year we accept a new class of students. We generally have around 15-20 students in the Culinary Institute a year.

Many of our participants are married and have children and they are seeking to live a sober life and to better provide for their families. We are delighted to report we have a 78% completion rate since inception of the Culinary Institute, many of whom have been employed in the culinary profession.

The key to success is the peer and other support the student receives during and after their time in the program.

Students are held to a high standard of excellence in their culinary training which will enable them to acquire jobs in restaurants offering higher wages that will support a family. The Recovery Center of Medina County (RCMC) is a safe place that extends continual recovery support helping our clients achieve their full potential.